Friday, April 27, 2012


Was thinking today... What to blog about next?
I have thought of something... But before I let my figures sssllooowwwly gallop across the keyboard.
I would like to thank everyone for taking time out of your day and taking a look at my blog :)
Thanks y'all! It means a lot.

Its gettin' to be Dark:30. I am now all snuggled up in my bed listening to my family talking and laughing in the next room. :) I love that. I'm off to bed early tonight because of allergies :/ Its a bit of a pain but I know I could be having a lot worse so... Its all good. 
Spent some time with my horse today! makes me happy. One of the things that is on the agenda this weekend is for my Dad and I to change oil in my truck and give Big Blue a wash. Its gonna be fun spending time with my Dad :D

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
Psalms 19:1

I went outside just a bit ago and just sat on the concrete driveway in my pj's, and flip flops. And It was so AWESOME to see the stars in the sky, feel the wind on my face, and know my God is with me and He is never changing. He is the same as He was in the beginning.
 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
 The same was in the beginning with God.
 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
John 1:1-3
While I was sitting in the middle of the driveway filling my mind with thoughts of Christ. stirring my affections for Him. My love for Him grew. I have to be completely honest. Today I neglected the most important aspect of my life. My Lord. So it was really awesome to go out side and know that even though of my neglect. That He is still the same and He is with me directing my steps. How great is that!?
I know this won't be the last time I will neglect Him. So sad to say. I'm not perfect by any means! So its great to know He is perfect and He is a forgiving Father to big things and to the smallest things.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Give me Wide Open Spaces

 I am all home alone tonight... sometimes that's a bad thing; our house always feels so empty when you're the only one home. And this girl LOVES having people around her!
 But my mom said when I was little I could entertain myself for hours. And that.. is still a bit true.

 My parents left this afternoon to hang at the deer lease for the weekend. So my sister and I hung out at the house being SiLly girls till her boyfriend picked her up. He was in need of her support while he sang and played at his gig. Soo... what did I do all by my lonesome?? WELL!

First off!  Ate dinner. Yummy one of my favs (next to potatoes) Taco Salad! Then hopped in my truck and headed out to the ranch. Fed my girl rode her bare back on the road. We where bonDinG.
Then once it started to get dark, I put her up and headed to town for some good ol' sweet tea (I could have made it.. but I wanted to drive haha). After that and texting my Dad about how much I LOVE my truck! My sister did text me and said that I could come hang with them. Told her I smelled like a horse and have a bare back bottom. :D I started heading home but by taking the back roads :p
Something always feels good having the windows a bit down jammin' to some tunes drivin' on an old dirt road while the sun is almost gone. Even saw some fire works off in the distance!
When I reached home I decided to sweep of my parkin' spot. Dad and I got my truck muddy last week...kind of made a mess in the drive way :) If you drove up around that time while I was sweeping the drive way, you would have seen a Ford F-150 parked and runnin with the headlights + radio on pointing to the end of the drive where a girl wearing BOOTS, jeans and a t-shirt. Dancing, sweeping, and runnin' around playing with her young silver lab.
After that went in and played guitar :D
I would say I am very blessed. 

So this is all a bit whatever. Why you would care I dont know. Haha but I have a great time in spite of being "alone" and just for the record. TV never came on and I was totally plannin' on watching a chick flick. O well! Maybe next time ;p

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring Time!

March has come and gone! 
and its already about half way through April 
California sunset :)
 very beautiful Amarillo Texas sky
Spent about about 58 hours traveling, 17 days away from home sweet home. 
Feels good to be home!
See that??? that's me and my BIG BLUE DREAM :)
when i start it and listen to the engine 
my. heart. skips. a. beat. :p
i'm in love!
dont worry

April. 20. 2003. 
Thats the day I made Jesus as my Lord and personal Savior 
Its so amazing that He loved us soo much to send His Son die for us. When we are just broken people. I'm still in "awe" that He loves me :)

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoesoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved"
John 3:16-17